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Could Your Business R&D Earn You a 43.5% Tax Offset?

R&D Tax Incentives

By Clinton McDonald, Managing Director, Gauld Tulloch Bove

Maximising R&D Tax Incentives: Fuelling Innovation and Business Growth

Tired of watching your hard-earned dollars vanish into thin air come tax season? What if we told you there’s a tax incentive program specifically designed to reward your business’s innovation?

The R&D Tax Incentive is a government program that offers tax offsets to companies conducting eligible research and development (R&D) activities. Its goal is to encourage innovation and make R&D activities more affordable. 

The incentive offers a refundable tax offset of 43.5% of your development costs which you can use to re-invest in your R&D. This isn’t just for tech giants or pharmaceutical companies. Small and medium-sized enterprises, startups and even Australian subsidiaries of international companies are all eligible.

Is Your Business Sitting On A Untapped Goldmine?

If you’re an Australian business – whether a homegrown innovator or an Australian subsidiary – you’re likely sitting on an untapped goldmine of tax benefits. But, like any goldmine, extracting the maximum value requires expertise and a keen understanding of the ever-changing landscape. This is where experienced Tax Advisors can be invaluable.

Eligibility and Requirements – Here’s What You Need To Know

Did you know that the size of your business could dramatically impact the type of R&D tax incentive you receive? 

If your aggregated turnover is under $20 million, you could be eligible for a refundable tax offset. This means you could potentially receive a cash refund, even if you don’t have a tax liability. Imagine the possibilities that extra cash injection could unlock for your R&D initiatives!

Even if your turnover exceeds $20 million, you still stand to benefit. You’ll still be eligible for a non-refundable tax offset, with the bonus of an “intensity-based premium”. This means the more you invest in R&D as a percentage of your overall expenses, the higher your tax offset rate will be.

The Australian government is essentially saying, “Go big on innovation, and we’ll reward you for it.” This is a powerful incentive to double down on your R&D efforts and propel your business to new heights.

Ask Yourself These Questions To See If You Qualify

  1. Are you an Australian company? (This incentive is specifically designed to support companies registered in Australia.)
  2. Have you invested at least $20,000 in developing a new or improved product or service? (This is the minimum threshold to qualify for the incentive.)
  3. Does your development process involve research, experimentation, or technical challenges? (If your innovation pushes boundaries and requires problem-solving, you’re likely on the right track.)

If you answered “yes” to all three questions, you could be eligible for a substantial cash boost to your bottom line.

Why GTB Can Help You Maximise Your R&D Tax Incentive

One of our clients shared: “We were unsure if our R&D activities qualified for the incentive program. GTB helped us navigate the process and maximise our claim.”

  • Uncover Hidden Opportunities: We’ll analyse your R&D activities to identify all eligible expenses and maximise your potential tax offset of up to 43.5%.
  • Streamline the Claims Process: Our deep understanding of the R&D Tax Incentive legislation ensures a smooth, efficient and compliant claim process.
  • Tailored Strategies for Success: We’ll leverage our 35+ years of experience to develop a customised approach that aligns with your specific business goals and industry.

Our tax advisory services are designed to ensure that your business takes full advantage of the available incentives while staying compliant with all relevant regulations. We have commenced registering companies that are eligible for the 2024 financial year. 

Contact us today for a no-obligation discussion of your accounting needs.
